Welcome to the Daily Cast

The daily cast is a three coin cast. Every day (well, almost every day) I randomly pick one oracle coin from the pouch. Than I take the two structural coins (Axis Mundi, the green one and the Sirius coin, the red one) and cast the coins. My interpretation of the result is presented here. 

Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1538: Don't Miss Today!

Preparing ourselves for the future by making plans and setting aside some money to fulfill them is in itself a virtuous thing. To a certain extent it ensures our safety and stability. However, whenever the opponent - also known as the challenger - is on the table, we know that the Oracle is warning us not to take things into the extreme. In this case we are alerted to the fact that we run the risk of forgetting our present by looking too hard at the future. Life is that which is happening today while we are preparing for tomorrow, so don't miss it!

Don't just read the future; help create it.

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1537: Together We Can!

Like the Honeybee, that little creature that, by sheer numbers, is able to make buckets of golden honey out of the tiniest of plant nectar drops, so are we capable of great things if we choose to combine our efforts with those around us. So let us seek some trusted people to surround ourselves with and let's see what we can do together!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1536: Don't Hide From Your Challenges

Sometimes we just want to run away and hide. The world seems to be too difficult, too overwhelming and we don't want to handle the stuff that is thrown our way. That sentiment is understandable but not very productive. So let's pull ourselves together, straighten our back and just deal with it. After all, it has to be done sooner or later!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1535: Take Time To Consider!

Too often we are met with immature ideas or opinions that are not carefully thought through. We ourselves are sometimes be guilty of haphazardly dismissing initiatives without good foundation for our opinions. Today is one of those days that we run the risk of missing out on good opportunities simply because we didn't take the time to consider our options. So let us slow down a minute to appreciate what is before us and make a well-balanced decision. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1534: What Will The Future Bring?

Sometimes we are worrying about the future. Wil certain things come to pass? Will we be able to avoid mishap? The first week of January makes us wonder -and worry- about what is coming our way this year. Let's not fret to much. A Dutch saying goes something like: The greatest suffering is the fear of suffering. I wouldn't know an English equivalent for this but you get the drift. Do not worry about all the things that might go amiss; we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Don't just read the future, help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1533: The End of the Year

The end of the Year, at least according to the Gregorian calendar is upon us. Did we finish all the projects we started this year? Did we see them through or are there still loose ends? Today is a good day to contemplate our endeavors and to decide which initiatives we are going to take with us into the new year, and which ones we need to let go. Not all that we started has to be finished! If we are leaking means and energy into a project without much hope of gaining anything by it, we might be better of by laying it to rest. That way we free up resources to start the new year with.

I wish you all a great 2025,

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1532: Break Free

As a post-menopausal woman, the Wise Woman is no longer bound by the cyclic demands of her body. She enjoys her freedom and independence, sets her own rules and makes her own destiny.  Like her we can develop our own point of view once we break free from old patterns or old alliances. This particular set of coins does often appear in a cast when the querant  has recently divorced and is in the process of finding his/her own values in life. By it's positive connotations this cast strengthens the resolve of the parties involved to each follow their own path. That is the beauty of truly setting each-other free; everybody wins.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1530: Second Hand, Second Life

Not all that is old is worth keeping! That goes for ideas but -in this particular cast- even more so for material stuff. If we keep stacking new things on top of the things we already have, we will end up with a pile of items that are utterly useless in their overwhelming quantity. Especially after the holidays we have accumulated stuff that might be put to better use somewhere else. Let's review what we have got so far, only keep what is helping us further and refrain from accumulating more stuff. It is time for a good cleaning. Cobwebs Adieu, empty spaces welcome!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1529: Overspend a little?

A trinket here, a lunch there, a nice little gift that is simply a must have for that friend  that already has everything, and oh, look who is having a sale coming weekend, let's check out if we can spend our money there! As always, spending our money is way easier than earning it, and the holiday season is notorious in that respect. Now that we are coming out the other end of the festivities it is time to take stock and adjust our expenses accordingly.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1528: Just Make It Happen

We know what needs to be done so it is only natural that we take the lead today. With our confidence and knowledge we can just make it happen. By commanding respect without acting authoritative or bossy others follow joyfully so that at the end of the day the job is done and we are all content. And remember: we are not in it for the glory, we just make sure things run smoothly because, well, that's what we do today. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1527: I Feel Therefore I Know

Sometimes we know things cognitively and sometimes we know things intuitively. It pays off to heed our 'gut-feeling' today; it gives us a deeper insight in the issue at hand than mere cognition can do. The magic of course is in the combination of the two: listen to your gut, decide with your brain. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1526: Gifts Are Coming Our Way

Something comes into our hands without us expecting is. We get a present or we simply find something of which we cannot track the owner. In that case it is probably meant for us to have. So let us enjoy the little gifts that life sometimes bestows on us and be thankful for what is given to us.  

Don't just read the future, help create it!

Hella Raven 

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1525: Selfcare

Our physical health requires some extra care today. This cast doesn't necessarily alert us to a major problem (although it can do so in the larger context of an entire spread with all the coins combined), but it does make us aware of a potential problem. So let's make time to have some healthy food, take our vitamins and make sure we relax enough. There is joy to be found in developing  a healthy self-care routine. And let us not worry about it to much; worrying itself is bad for our health. ;)

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1524: Experience Supplements Theory

The Wise Man is about experience, about the fact that no matter how great the education we have received, some lessons are best learned through living them. This doesn't mean that we have to do all the groundwork ourselves; whenever we encounter an experienced person, we can benefit from the life experience they can offer us. The Daily Cast of today can also refer to an actual person that comes our way to help us out based on their experience. Let's gain some wisdom through experience today!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1523: Personal vs Professional

We all have to divide our attention between our private time in our personal space at one hand, and our work time in a professional space at the other. By the looks of it we are doing a pretty good job! And if by any chance we feel that we have lost the balance between the personal and the professional, than today is a perfect day to start mending that. Rome wasn't build in one day, we don't have to finish our work in one day either. The time we spend resting or playing is never a waste: it is of great value to our health an well-being and thus it benefits all aspects of our life. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1522: Being Prepared Never Hurts!

All the hopes we have for the near future may very well come to pass, provided that we make the right preparations. I am not saying we should all buy a bunker and stock it with seven years worth of provisions, but essentially every task we want to fulfill and every goal we want to achieve are within our reach if we prepare ourselves for it. Keep that in mind while setting up for the upcoming holiday season. It never hurts to be properly prepared!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1521: Seek Inspiration

So many people, so many convictions, so much wisdom. The always curious fairy beckons us to come with her; to leave our conventional ideas behind and enter the wonderful world of inspiration. There is so much to discover, why limit ourselves to what we already know? Let's go out and find something new to wonder about!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1520: Take 24 Hours

We want to be over and done with a particular issue, and raised in a time where quick thinking and fast decisions are positively validated, we are tempted to come to a swift conclusion and act upon it. Let's not. At least not today. Whatever it is, let's give it another 24 hours of our time, considering alternative solutions and make sure we have heard all parties involved. Today is just not the best day to make a decision.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1519: Started Yet?

Just like a couple of days ago, we encounter the Elf,  eager to start something new. Why is it that the Elf is nudging us again, didn't we heed his advice the first time? It is about time we start organizing whatever it is we want to do this month. The shopping, the venue, the presents, whatever it is we need to do, if we start now everything will turn out just fine. Lets get on with it!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1518: Feeling a Bit Weak?

Nadir and the Opponent in combination with the Elder-tree are indicative of a health problem. It doesn't have to be something major, it can be as mundane as a lack of vitamins at the beginning of winter: it doesn't kill us but it does make us feel weak! Lack of sunshine and too many carbs in our comfort-food are adding to our dis-comfort over time. So here we have it: let us take care of our health today and make the kind of food choices that will make us feel good in the long run!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1517: Something New!

The Elf is eager to start something new. Enthusiastically he explores possibilities, gathers information and buys the necessary equipment. This new endeavor can be anything ranging from work-related project to moving to an new house to going on a trip. Given the time of year it might have to do with preparing for the seasonal holidays, Solstice, Christmas or otherwise. Half the fun lies in the preparations, so let's enjoy this time of getting ready!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1516: Taking Control

Now is a good time to take matters in our own hand again. The Lord, benign ruler of his kingdom is here to give us a helping hand. He is an example for us; willing to lead us in times of need, but he also teaches us how to be our own leader and how to take agency back when we feel that this has been slipping away from us. So now we can step forward again and take (back) control. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1515: The First Step

The old Celtic word for the oak; 'duir' is etymological related to the English 'door' and the Dutch 'deur'. This particular cast; the oak flanked by Zenith and the Ally, signifies growth through initiation. By opening the door to new ways of thinking we enrich our lives. Today is a good day take the first steps on a new path. when we change how we think about our life our life will change with us. The power of the oak will protect us. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1514: Thank You For Protecting Us

Today's theme is about protecting our boundaries. The Father coin is here to help us with the task. This particular cast can sometimes be very literal in it's meaning, in which case it refers to an actual, benign father-figure in our lives that has made us feel safe and protected. It might be a good idea to pay this person a visit if we can. On a larger scheme, let us be thankful for all the people that are ensuring our safety and let us ourselves be the protector of others. Together we create a safe environment for everybody. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1513: Learn for Fun

No matter how much we know about something, there are always no things to discover. Keep an open mind to all opinions, in order to keep gathering more information, and to let that input simmer for a while before coming to a conclusion. Let's enjoy the process of gathering, reading and sifting through information and let's leave the decision what to do with it to another day. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1512: What Does Our Gut Say?

We might think we've got a solution for a certain problem, or  we might be convinced that our ideas on the subject are the only right way of looking at it, but we have to consider the possibility that we are wrong. Sometimes logic alone is not enough to solve the case. Maybe we should not just rely on our reasoning but take some time to feel our way through this issue as well. All thoughts aside, what does our gut tell us?

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1511: See It Through

It is so tempting to start a new project to pour all our enthusiasm and energy into...but is this the right time? If we are honest with ourselves, did we properly finish the last project we started? Do we really have the time to throw ourselves into in new endeavor? When we start something we need to see it through as well, otherwise we leave a trail of orphaned projects behind where ever we go and that benefits nobody. So let's take responsibility for the things we have committed ourselves to before taking on any new projects.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1510: We Might Be A Dancer!

So many people, so many convictions, so much wisdom. The always curious fairy beckons us to come with her; to leave our conventional ideas behind and enter the wonderful world of inspiration. There is so much to discover, why limit ourselves to what we already (think we) know? Let's go out and find something new to wonder about! Who knows, even if we never dared to dance in public, if we try we might enjoy it so much we realize we are actually a dancer after all. There are no limits to what we can do once we use our imagination. Enjoy exploring!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1509: Take Leadership

We know what needs to be done so it is only natural that we take the lead today. With our confidence and knowledge we command respect without acting authoritative or bossy. We show the way and others follow joyfully so that at the end of the day the job is done and we are all content. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1508: We Are Above It!

The Wise Woman together with the Nadir coin and the Opponent spells trouble; somebody thinks they know everything better than we do. Judgmental, competitive and maybe even a little bit vindictive, this person is trying to make us look bad and steal our thunder. Don't let them get away with it! We are wise in our own ways and we will stand our ground. With dignity because we do not do brawls. We're above it!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1507: Discover New Things on Old Topics

No matter how much we know about something, there are always no things to discover. Keep an open mind to all opinions, in order to keep gathering more information, and let that input simmer for a while before coming to a conclusion. Sometimes there is much to taken into account! Let's enjoy the process of gathering, reading and sifting through information and let's leave the decision what to do with it to another day. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1506: Mind Your Mind

Part of a healthy lifestyle is adopting a healthy attitude. Not only to physical things, like taking enough time to exercise and preparing well-balanced meals, but maybe even more important, toward your mental health as well. When we give as much attention to habits that better our mental health as we do to our physical health, we become more flexible. It will make us better equipped to deal with the day-to-day challenges of life. And remember: this is a journey, not a competition. Let's be kind to ourselves in the process. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coin Daily Cast - 1505: Straighten Your Back

Somebody is infringing on our space. Not only in a physical way, it goes deeper than that. This is about the subtle ways in which our thoughts about healthy boundaries and the right to defend them are under siege. It is of the utmost importance to be clear about where we stand.  Once we make clear what our boundaries are, it is the one trying to cross them that is at fault; we have the right to defend our space. We need to keep our back straight and refuse to give in to whomever or whatever is trying to take our place in the world. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1504: Anxious for the Future?

We seem to worry about our immediate future. So much so that we might even forget to live our life as it unfolds for us in the now. In the light of current world events - I am looking at our brothers and sisters in the USA now - it is no wonder that the coins pick up on the challenges that our future always holds. This goes for the big issues as well as for the small decisions. Not everything we see coming can be influenced by us, and it is that lack of power that can make us a bit itchy. So what we need to do is to try and maintain a healthy balance between hoping for the best and taking on the  responsibility to make it so.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1503: Guarding the Boundaries

The Father is a protector, existing on the threshold between worlds; he stands guard between the personal world and the professional world, between family and society, between inner and outer worlds. He is the warrior-soldier in mundane life and the warrior-shaman in our spiritual life. Today he is here to aid us with keeping our earthly boundaries healthy. Socializing is great and often necessary, but always need to make sure there is left enough space for ourself!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1502: Are We Right Though?

Stern convictions and rigid ideas lead to arrogance and self-righteousness. What is it that keeps us on our high horse? Do we even know how arrogant we are in some fields? Are we actually right? If we want to move forward in life and be pleasant people at the same time, than some soul-searching is definitely advised! Let's practice modesty and give a little for a change. This cast might be about somebody we know or encounter today in stead of about ourselves, but... be honest!

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1501: High Horses

Ideally people learn the finer nuances of what is right and what is wrong in the course of their lives; they are growing in wisdom while they are growing in years. Alas, not everyone who takes it upon themselves to pass judgement on others, is actually wise enough to do so. Confidence without wisdom leads to arrogance! Today somebody is riding in on their high horse, trying to dominate the situation. Let us not be overwhelmed by this person, but also, let's make sure it is not ourselves making this mistake...

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1500: Avoid Crowds

Crowds just do not do it for us today. We get irritated and gnarly being around too many people, even if they're friends and family members we usually count among our loved ones. It's not them; it's us. We need to take care of our inner peace by making time to spend with just ourselves and maybe one or two friends. Let's stay away from the crowd, let's not fill our week with social obligations but let us spend some time in nature in stead. Just to go for a walk or to sit on a bench in a quiet corner of our local park can make a world of difference. Watch the birds and the insects. Do not talk for a while. Relax and reconnect with your own rhythm.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1499: Do Not Believe Everything You're Told!

All kinds of claims are being thrown at us by authoritative figures. They might the leaders of our society or our managers or even our medical doctors. Sometimes we are unable to follow them since we cannot ascertain the validity of their claims. The problems we are  facing are manifold and we are confused about the solutions we should put in place. Therefore we need to be extra careful in deciding whom we are going to trust. Let's not believe everything we're told today, it seems to be good time to be a critical consumer! 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1498: New Horizons

The Elf is eager to start something new. Enthusiastically he explores possibilities, gathers information and buys the necessary equipment. This new endeavor can be anything ranging from work-related project to moving to an new house to going on a trip or starting with a new education. I happen to do the latter this week and I am really excited about it! Whatever journey we embark on, half the fun lies in the preparations, so let's enjoy this time of getting ready.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1497: Find Your Creativity!

"If only I had the talent", or, "I will never be as good as..." We are our own worst critics, we don't dare to take up painting, or to sing or to dance and are constantly worrying if the result is aesthetically pleasing to others. If only we could be playful and creative like a child every now and again, enjoying ourselves without holding back! It is important to create moments in our lives in which we can express ourselves, unencumbered, without boundaries, as free as a the Gods intended us to be. Let's find moments of creative joy today and let's making moments like that into a hobby! 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1496: Don't Let Pride Get In Your Way

Whatever the challenges are that are facing us coming weekend; it might be a good idea to do a skill-check. Do we have the experience needed to bring this task to a successful end? It would be a shame to mess it up just because our pride is preventing us from hiring the best person for the job... It is not always us that need to take the lead! So let's assess what is needed and either hire or acquire the necessary skills. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1495: A Choice Has To Be Made!

The time to gather as much information as we can and to roam the internet indefinitely in our search for more details is over. We know what we need to know, now it is up to us to actually do what we need to do. Let's be brave and make the decision; it is a good day for it. Remember that not choosing is also a choice, but in that scenario we allow are agency to seep away, condemning ourselves to whatever random outcome comes of it. So let's do this, the choice is ours to make.

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1494: Make Time To Grieve

This set of coins confronts us with loss and grief. Sometimes as something to be scared of, and sometimes as something to embrace, but always as something to acknowledge. Eventually everything ends if only by transforming into something else. This constellation can indicate an actual death and the grief it brings with it or a loss of something we hold dear. We'll just need to work through it, which is easier said than done, but simply can not be avoided. So we might as well start today and sit with our grief for a while and acknowledge its existence in our life. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1493: Finders, Keepers.

Something comes into our hands without us expecting is. We get a present or we simply find something of which we cannot track the owner. In that case it is probably meant for us to have. So let us enjoy the little gifts that life sometimes bestows on us and be thankful for what is given to us.  

Don't just read the future, help create it!

Hella Raven 

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1492: You Are One-Of-A-Kind!

Nobody is exactly like me, and nobody is exactly like you. Let that sink in; you are absolutely unique, even if you belong to a set of 'identical twins', than still you're not really identical. 
If we are not sure what our unique talents are, today is a good day to think about that. What is it that makes us uniquely us?  We don't have to develop a trait or a skill to be unique; it is already manifested, we only need to find it and learn how to treasure it. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1491: Don't Rush It

Too often we are met with immature ideas or opinions that are not carefully thought through. Sometimes we ourselves are  guilty of haphazardly dismissing initiatives without good foundation for our opinions. Today is one of those days that we run the risk of missing out on good opportunities simply because we didn't take the time to consider our options. So let us slow down a minute to appreciate what is before us and make a well-balanced decision. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1490: To New Friends!

The Honeybee speaks to us about community, about taking our place in the collective and about cooperation and good food as a result of that cooperation. This particular constellation tells us we are in a good position to enjoy our social environment and that we might even want to expand it; that we might want to make new friends or to change employer and find ourselves new colleagues. Whatever we decide, our role in the groups we are a part of is valued. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven

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There is a time to start a project and take aboard new responsibilities and there is a time when we are done with them. Although it can be a bit difficult to put an end to something, especially when we have put our time an energy in it, sometimes it just is the right thing to do. So let us not cling to stuff of which we know that we should let it go. 

Don't just read the future; help create it!

Hella Raven