Welcome to the Daily Cast

The daily cast is a three coin cast. Every day (well, almost every day) I randomly pick one oracle coin from the pouch. Than I take the two structural coins (Axis Mundi, the green one and the Sirius coin, the red one) and cast the coins. My interpretation of the result is presented here. 

Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1545: Step Back and Observe

In every situation there are two distinct positions we can take: either we look at it up close, maybe even from the inside, or we take a step back and observe the issue from a distance. The cast of today suggests to do just that: to detach ourselves from the situation we are in to gain a better perspective. So let us find some high ground and find new input from up there. What patterns are emerging? How does what we go through fit in a larger framework? What can we do to better the circumstances? 

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1544: Do Not Fear the Future

Sometimes we are overwhelmed by what we fear the future has in store. Today might be one of those days. We worry about a job interview, a talk we are preparing or a dinner party we want to give. Or we worry about the environment, the state of the world and the repercussions of everything that is going on in the political arena. Stop it. Take a pause and realize that time spend in fear of an event that might never come to pass is a form punishing ourselves for acts we didn't commit. It is not productive and doesn't make our lives better. Breath in, breath out and make the best of today!

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1543: Pace Yourself!

I feel busted :). I had a far to busy weekend and was contemplating the errors of my ways this morning, when the alarm clock janked me out of my much needed sleep. And than this combination came on the table. The Cave coin is about taking time for ourselves, about healing through rest and introspection. With the opponent on the table however, it seems that we are not paying enough attention to this part of life. We need to slow down a bit a make sure that we take enough time to rest. Did we by any chance had a busy couple of days and didn't we take time off? Make sure to balance productive time and time to recuperate! 

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1542: Lightbulb Moment Ahead!

No matter how much we know about something, there are always new things to discover. When we keep an open mind to different opinions and keep gathering more information we enrich ourselves beyond measure. Let's enjoy the process of gathering, of reading and sifting through information and one of these days we will find the answer to whatever it is that is vexing us!

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1541: Choose How We Respond

Today we see the the same constellation of coins as we had a few days ago. Are we still worrying? Or did we find the cause of this anxiety? One way or another, there seems to be reason to spend some extra time figuring out what is bugging us about things to come in order to take action. Whatever it is we  worry about, let's not allow it to rob us of our agency. We cannot always choose our circumstances but we do control how we respond to them!

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1540: Hurray for Good Health!

We never know how precious our health is until it is threatened. So let us take some time today to celebrate the health we have got, for whatever our base-line is - weather we are the pinnacle of well-being or challenged by a condition - today has the makings of a good day. So let's enjoy what is granted to us, for it is ours and needs to be loved. 

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1539: It's Been Two Months

It's been two months since I last published a Daily Cast. Turmoil in life, both on a personal and on a worldly scale, prevented me from sending those little daily reminders of how interesting and complicated and wonderful life can be. I hoped my first Daily Cast in a while would be a positive and up-beat one, but the Coins have decided differently. This cast speaks of worry about our near future, about uncertainty and anxiety. So yes, let us acknowledge that we see many disturbing things happening at the moment and let's be aware that vigilance is needed, but at the same time; let us not become cast down by this. We are strong and resilient and we will get through whatever life throws our way. Let us take care or ourselves and our neighbours.

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1538: Don't Miss Today!

Preparing ourselves for the future by making plans and setting aside some money to fulfill them is in itself a virtuous thing. To a certain extent it ensures our safety and stability. However, whenever the opponent - also known as the challenger - is on the table, we know that the Oracle is warning us not to take things into the extreme. In this case we are alerted to the fact that we run the risk of forgetting our present by looking too hard at the future. Life is that which is happening today while we are preparing for tomorrow, so don't miss it!

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1537: Together We Can!

Like the Honeybee, that little creature that, by sheer numbers, is able to make buckets of golden honey out of the tiniest of plant nectar drops, so are we capable of great things if we choose to combine our efforts with those around us. So let us seek some trusted people to surround ourselves with and let's see what we can do together!

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1536: Don't Hide From Your Challenges

Sometimes we just want to run away and hide. The world seems to be too difficult, too overwhelming and we don't want to handle the stuff that is thrown our way. That sentiment is understandable but not very productive. So let's pull ourselves together, straighten our back and just deal with it. After all, it has to be done sooner or later!

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Raven Coins Daily Cast - 1535: Take Time To Consider!

Too often we are met with immature ideas or opinions that are not carefully thought through. We ourselves are sometimes be guilty of haphazardly dismissing initiatives without good foundation for our opinions. Today is one of those days that we run the risk of missing out on good opportunities simply because we didn't take the time to consider our options. So let us slow down a minute to appreciate what is before us and make a well-balanced decision. 

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